Hold Your Phone For Converting Pay-Per-Call Affiliate Marketing


Hold Your Phone For Converting Pay-Per-Call Affiliate Marketing

Pay-per-call affiliate marketing

Hotel Booking Calls

In this digital era, front desk reservations are still alive for namesake only. Online hotel bookings are taking markets to high levels. However, those who are evening doing Hotel Booking Calls have already done their research online. But there are still customers who call to clear their questions regarding amenities, policies or rates and want to be reassured they are making the right choice. 

In this digital era, answering phone calls is not limited to reservations only, it is about making them happen. A phone call from a potential guest is a prime opportunity to make direct hotel booking calls and to strengthen the customer relationship. 

Hotels can opt for Pay- Per- Call Affiliate Marketing to make every phone call to increase conversions. Here are some tips for it. 

  • Display your phone number on the website 

Easy access to the property phone number on the website will help to make more calls to clear questions regarding the property instead of searching online for it. Therefore make sure both toll-free and local numbers are on every page of the website, not only on the contact us page. 

  • Empower front desk staff 

Ensure your front desk team is up to speed with policies, packages, exclusive offers, rates restrictions and tiers along with hotel booking calls. 

  • Include more basic sales tactics 

    • Friendly greetings in every call, asking callers' names to establish rapport in between conversations. Look the customers up in your property management system or CRM. 

  • Do not ignore any caller's call. Listen to the caller's requests. Share information about the property, and describe features enthusiastically along with amenities to be successful in your pay-per-call affiliate marketing. 

  • Find out the purpose of their trip and specific needs customer details that come up during the conversation, like interests, preferred amenities, anniversaries, etc., should be recorded in guest profiles, which will help in personalising your guest experience along with opening the road to future marketing campaigns.

  • Prepare for difficult questions

Ask front desk staff about the kinds of questions they are fielding, both common and challenging, and review answers with them. Brainstorm possible responses together and draft up a list of the best responses for reference. It may help to role-play phone enquiries too. This is another way to empower staff with the confidence to handle challenging phone sales in pay-per-call affiliate marketing. 

  • Record customer details

Even if a customer does not go through with Hotel Booking Calls, consider recording their information in a customer profile within your property management system or CRM. So that, if later they call back , you can check it in the system and can prepare customised personal service for the customer. You can welcome them back with a personal note and get time to find more solutions effectively to impress them. Offering to put callers on a waitlist if no availability matches their dates, or to let them know of future deals and discounts, may encourage them to give you their email addresses.

  • Evaluate and reward

Putting yourself in your customer's shoes and making a reservation yourself is a great way to evaluate your property’s reservation process. Share feedback with your team, discuss concerns and implement goals. Good performance should be rewarded with positive feedback. Consider staff pizza nights or extra time off to show appreciation and provide incentives.

While online bookings are mainly to bring sales, the voice channel also potential to deliver your highest conversation rates through hotel booking calls. If you want to know more about it and want to generate more sales through pay-per-call affiliate marketing for hotel bookings then be with Ping Call. SOURCE URL: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s660/sh/264b58eb-6cb3-1cf2-bc52-cec3dec5cf47/49f6d3d76e821fb9080e10dab3f4acc4 



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