3 Way to add Affiliate Links on your Instagram Story for Maximum Lead Conversion


If you have used Instagram for the past three years, you know the drill with instagram marketing. The advent of reels and super creative content on the platform has necessitated the invention of Lead Generation tactics. 

I remember the first time I used link on my story. It was simply a funny piece of content from a standup comedian’s recent gig and a link to the entire Youtube video. You have to understand that I was not paid by the said stand up comedian for the link, although I was acting as an unpaid affiliate. What happened next was the financial headsup I didnt knew I always had!. In less than an hour, the video managed to gain 2000 likes, even though it was 6 months old. The incidence triggered me to try further and experiment with story links for lead generation. 

Tips on How to Place Links on your Instagram Story for Lead generation

Instagram Story is a day to day peek into a person’s life. Anyone who basically is an instagram enthusiast and fails to breathe for 24 hours without checking the platform once, knows how story works. Thankfully, this is also the audience that brands like to target. But, if everyone is using a link, why only a few are getting converted? Below are some very exciting tips to ensure that your links can get major traction through Instagram stories. 

  1. Do not Hide Links

I have seen multiple Youtubers giving this useless advise. Hiding and camouflaging links to make sure the audience clicks on it, even if it is unknowingly. However, in the long run, the practise harms both the Lead Generation Company and the affiliate’s credibility. The link placement spot is a crucial decision that should not be taken lightly. More on this later in the blog.

  1. Usability is Key

What is a link without a trailer? Why would audience spend 2 seconds waiting for a link to open when they have no idea if its going to be anyhow useful? Audience should have some snippet of the usability. The Best Affiliate Programs focus on providing useful content to sell products rather than selling content and products both. 

  1. Use the BOB technique

The Benefit, Offer and Buy technique is pretty popular on Instagram. Not a lot of affiliates use it as explicitly as I think it deserves to be used. All you need to do is place first story sharin the benefi tof the product or service. The second story needs to provide incentive to make the offer even more lucrative. Finally, the last story should contain the link. This simplifies the amount of information getting registered every second in the user’s head, thereby ensuring quick conversion Marketing Automation

When trying to sell a product or service, make sure to be very minimalistic with content. Try filtering unnecessary content to make sure that the user only gets access to what will help him or her convert. If you want more such affiliate marketing tips, make sure to visit our website, i.e Pingcall.com So for more call us@+1-(855) 239-7670 or visit at website:  https://pingcall.blogspot.com/2022/06/3-way-to-add-affiliate-links-on-your.html


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